A guide to market mapping

A systems approach improves returns through better capital allocation and creates more

3 months
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5 months
Élan RDC's mission
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Élan RDC’s mission was to reduce poverty in the DRC by increasing the incomes of more than a million small producers, entrepreneurs and poor consumers.

We team up with communications professionals to make known the incredible work that mission-driven organizations are doing on the ground. New ways to deliver impact can’t scale if no one hears about them. Amplify helps you grow your network and break into new spheres of influence.

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The client needs
  • To maintain and grow project credibility at national, provincial and local levels

  • To inform and influence intervention-level stakeholders on programme objectives, activities. results, and lessons learned, to facilitate behaviour change in favour of pro-poor economic outcomes.

  • To contribute to industry learning and encourage knowledge sharing and lessons learnt to a broader audience of practitioners.

  • To ensure that UKAID receives appropriate acknowledgement for its investment and to support communication of results and the “human angle” of the project to an audience in the UK.


Strategies implemented

Over three months, the
Discovered Markets team:
  • Found & targeted the audience that matters

  • Reached out to 92 content platforms for publication of Elan DC research with this target audience

  • Tested & implemented content strategies based on proof of efficacy

  • Designed and communicated Élan RDC research and findings in a way that was relevant to its audience

68.4% High priority document publication success
333K Total reach of committed content platforms
30 Content pieces created & edited
Breaking out of your own network

Let’s break out of the confines of your day-to-day processes. We collect your content goals, set success metrics, and learn about your target audiences. Our deep-dives into your target audiences help us to develop content that better leads to consideration and action. Then, we identify a creation/distribution plan tailored to your goals and track the actions of your audience through surveys and follow-ups. To increase awareness target audience segments, we can perform a mix of one-to-one outreach, mass-audience press releases, paid media, and track site metadata SEO. All of these efforts aim to increase awareness, inform, engage, and then convert, whatever this may look like for you.

Targeting content to your audience

Not every report is ready for primetime. We edit and translate existing content to better communicate with the desired audience. We transform your research reports into bite-sized portions that your target audience has time to read and consider. We have audited your backlog content , prioritise them, and segment by audience and channel. Check out our work with Élan RDC and the Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness (CASA) Programme.

Parsing through analytics

We track our progress in transparent and compelling ways. This allows our clients to check-in with our work and allows us to pivot where necessary.
We record the reach of your reports over time on a dashboard that can be shared with your colleagues, donors, or researchers. We also track contacts and publications that we have reached out to on a database that you have full access to. We use media monitoring and SEO tracking to see if your searchability increases over our time working with you.

Contact us
the lead for marketing and communication on the CASA programme, I have been working closely with Discovered Markets. We have frank and open communications and pass ideas back and forth to the benefit of the programme. We wanted Discovered Markets to help us get additional traction with investors in agricultural value chains – and they have done that. They have also helped us to create concise information for a time poor audience.
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