Strategy May 23, 2023

Building a long-lasting relationship with the account services team

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When blogging takes ages & ads no longer work.

When blogging takes ages & ads no longer work.

Blogging is an interesting journey. At the beginning, hitting the publish button seems to be the most difficult step. Once you are finally over it, you are likely to struggle with the next hurdle: hitting that publish button on a consistent basis.

Abbey Ryan has painted a new painting every day for 8 years. Isaac Asimov published 400 books, by typing every day. This is post #6000 on this blog. Writer’s block is a myth, a recent invention, a cultural malady.

They decided to give away for free all the extra photos they didn’t use that they had shot for their website redesign. A Tumblr theme and three hours later, they launched Unsplash — a side project which not only saved their startup, but turned into a standalone product that generates a mind-blowing 11 million unique visitors/month.

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